Things that aren't looking forward to global warming. No. 1 Rock Ptarmigans
Things that aren't looking forward to global warming. No. 2 Arctic Hares. Especially that one.
My adventures in the (drum roll)... World of Birds! Clash! As nobody has been asking, I'll explain. George Bristow was a taxidermist at the hub of the Hastings Rarities scandal. From 1896 to 1939, hundreds of rare birds passed through his shop in St Leonards-on-Sea which he claimed were locally killed. They were later shown to be fraudulent. I'd like to think that at the back of his shop was a time machine linked to a freezer in another dimension, full of dead birds. You read it here first.
Did you know that Arctic Hares have black dots on the tips of their ears to make it look as though they have eyes like crabs and prawns? It's true. Apparently it really confuses predators and mega freaks them out.
Get well soon.
Are you sure about that? I'm pretty certain that Golden Eagles aren't afraid of prawns.
I know that Roy Keane was very dismissive of prawns, for what that's worth.
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