Tuesday, March 27, 2007

8/10 owners say their Eagle Owls prefer cats

... and the other 2 take babies out of prams. True.

Sadly, a largely disappointing Cage and Aviary Birds this week. Interesting article about captive-breeding African Pied Crows and Azure-winged Magpies, and a couple of good adverts. Prepare to dig deep in your wallet for...

Bald Eagle, Male 06, Good temperament and manned. Not flown yet. £4000

on the other hand, check down the back of the sofa for...

Harris Hawk September 06, can be seen with parents £250 or swap what have you got?

Oooh. And this illuminating paragraph buried in a couple of columns of 'Everything you ever wanted to know about Eagle Owls'
'So many of these owls are kept as captive specimens in the UK that it is considered irresponsible to allow a pair to breed unchecked. A long-lived pair will produce a clutch of four eggs annually for 20 or more years, which makes for a challenging exercise in placing young birds in suitable homes. It is believed that several are lost into the wild each year, some deliberately. But the only pair known to be breeding in the wild in the UK (one of which was recently shot) has produced 23 youngsters over several years and only one has been recovered - found dead.'

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