Sunday, May 14, 2006

Flat calm Newtonhill

Why Ambassadeur, with these easterly winds you are really spoiling us. And some drizzle as well this morning. Gooooddddddammit, I think I screwed up today. Down by the burn, was overwhelmed with skulking warblers (3, maybe 4!) deep in the willows. Sedgie, whitethroat, and I think sedgie +1, and the +1 was unstreaked and appeared to have buffish undertail coverts, only seen from behind before it whizzed off. I must have been thinking about fairies or something, cos it didn't register until I was down at the shore. Ran back but no sign. Could have been Cetti's, or anything! It's a write-off. whatever. Never mention this to anyone, and we will not speak of it again.

24 Red-throated Divers Gavia stellata went north in an hour, and one south, the idiot.

Round Cran Hill for the first time in a while.... mmmmm.... savour the scent of burnt gorse and guillemots. One measly Northern Wheatear Oenanthe oenanthe. I remember when my ol' grannie sat me on her knee and told me not to eat measly wheatears.


Tom said...

Burnt Guillemots?


Martin said...

You got a problem with burnt guillemots? They're really fatty this time of year (make excellent candles) but tend to combust on hot days.