Wednesday, August 01, 2007

After the pride, the fall

So after yesterday's mini-bonanza of interesting things to look at, this morning was a bit of a come-down. Breeze, such as it was had swung round to SW, never good. The usual hour produced 7 Manx Shearwaters north, 138 Northern Gannets (72N 64S), 3 Great Skuas (2N, 1S), 1 Arctic Skua N, 2 f Red-breasted Mergansers south, 6 Sandwich Terns N and 5 'Commic' Terns S (they were a long way away, honest) (no Dougal, these cows are small, those ones are just FAR AWAY...). 7 Atlantic Puffins north too, if I'm counting them now.

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